Not Every Trump Supporter Would Go As Far As This Guy Did On CNN, But He Makes A Valid Point

What CNN discovered about Donald Trump and the Russia collusion story was that Jesus himself would have to seek approval from Donald Trump to get the collusion story verified. That was an over the top statement.

What it was really saying is that the mainstream media and the judicial system cannot and will not be trusted by many Americans, especially the Make America Great Again crowd. You cannot find fault with that. It is sort of like that old saying: In God we trust, all others we verify. Did Ronald Reagan say that?

Trump voter panelist: “If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second. I need to check with the President if it’s true.’”

— New Day (@NewDay) November 20, 2017

As Written By Allahpundit for Hot Air:

Yes, right, it’s just one



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