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Iowa City, Iowa is home to the University of Iowa. Like any campus town there are a lot of bars and late night activities that keep local law enforcement busy.
On May 1st, black UI student Marcus Owens alledged he was beaten by three whites in an apparent “Hate Crime”.
Police scoured the city for the perpetrators and the nation was in an uproar.
Then video footage came to light that showed Owens to be a complete liar.
From Conservative Tribune:
“What happened involved Owens — fueled by alcohol — engaging in or instigating three separate fights early May 1,” reported The (Cedar Rapids) Gazette.
The paper added that Owens was seen on surveillance camera “acting aggressively, shoving and pushing and yelling” in all three incidences.
“We very quickly learned through video evidence that the events as reported by Marcus just did not happen,” Iowa City Police…