North Korea has been on the offensive in recent months, employing bolder and more dangerous, non-diplomatic actions all across their region.
North Korea’s military has begun making bold claims about the impetus of their recent missile tests, and it does not bode well for their relationship with the U.S.
Now, the despotic and far-flung regime of Kim Jong Un is making an extremely worrisome claim about their unhinged behavior: It has all been in preparation for striking U.S. military installments with ballistic missiles…a threat that goes well beyond the usual saber-rattling of Pyongyang.
“Nuclear-armed North Korea said Tuesday its missile launches were training for a strike on US bases in Japan, as global condemnation of the regime swelled.
“Three of the four missiles fired Monday came down provocatively close to US ally Japan, in waters that are part of its exclusive economic zone, representing a challenge to US…