NFL Refuses to Run Veteran AMVETS Ad Asking People to Stand

The NFL doesn’t understand this one very important rule, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Their latest shovel full of mistake was rejecting an ad from AMVETS. The print ad had an honor guard holding “Old Glory” with the words “Please Stand.”

It is disgusting that the NFL would reject and refuse to show an ad from AMVETS veterans group which asked people to stand for the anthem. NFL Vice President of Communications Brian McCarthy allegedly claimed that the Super Bowl was for entertainment and not politics. McCarthy added, “It has never been a place for advertising that could be considered by some as a political statement.” That ad was not about politics, it was about patriotism.

Face it, it’s outright disrespectful for ANYONE to kneel during the national anthem. That goes twice for people like NFL players who make millions for playing a game and have



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