New York Times Feeling the Heat, Could Cut Workforce

The New York Times has made a habit of siding with the liberal media in recent decades, and now they’re feeling the repercussions of their manufactured bias.

The New York Times is facing massive staffing cuts due to their dwindling sales.

As the liberal media continues its tirade against America’s conservative motives, dinosaurs of the print-age are quickly becoming extinct.  The New York Times, one of the most absurdly liberal “news” outlets in existence has recently admitted that their days are numbered, and have begun preparing their staff for the worst.

“The New York Times has deftly adapted to the demands of digital journalism, but it needs to change even more quickly, according to an internal report that recommends the company expand training for reporters and editors, hire journalists with more varied skills and deepen engagement with readers as a way to build loyalty and attract the subscriptions necessary to…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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