NBC Racism: Melissa Harris-Perry Plays The Race Card Against Her Boss

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If you don’t know who Melissa Harris-Perry is, you may be sorry to learn about her from this article. She is black and she has created a niche of a show crying constant racism.

Her show which airs on MSNBC, doesn’t have a lot of viewers, but Ms. Harris-Perry doesn’t care. However, she does care when her show is pre-empted repeatedly for silly stuff with good ratings, like presidential politics.

She recently walked of the set and took to her stage…the internet, to voice her angst. It didn’t take long for her complaining to turn over the race card. NBC should have seen this coming hiring someone who sees racism behind every bush.

From New York Times:

In an unusually public flare-up, one of MSNBC’s television personalities clashed with the network on Friday in a dispute about airtime and editorial freedom and said she was refusing to…



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