More Than a Hate Crime – Part 2

By now, everybody has seen, or at the very least heard of the video, discussed in detail in “More Than a Hate Crime Part 1, (a must read op-ed) in which a band of Black Lives Matter goons kidnapped and tortured a disabled man while live-streaming the entire event on Facebook.

During that sickening, disgusting act…the BLM goons put tape over the man’s mouth, beat him, cut him, cut his clothes, kicked him…all as the man was on the floor…they screamed at him…telling the man to say, “F*** Trump” and “F*** white people.”

They have been arrested. They have, after some deep thought by Chicago police, been charged with a hate crime.

But left-wing, liberal/socialist mainstream media…is taking the side of the BLM haters.

Neither NBC nor ABC ran a segment on the crime in their evening newscasts the day it all went public. That’s a bald-faced attempt to…



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