Mitch McConnell implies he may not seat Judge Roy Moore if he wins election

How far are establishment Republicans willing to go to keep Judge Roy Moore out of the Senate?  A report at the New York Times indicates that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., may not seat Moore even if he wins the election.  Moreover, Republican elites are trying to get the election pushed back.

According to the New York Times:

Republican senators and their advisers, in a flurry of phone calls, emails and text messages, discussed fielding a write-in candidate, pushing Alabama’s governor to delay the Dec. 12 special election or even not seating Mr. Moore at all should he be elected. In an interview, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, declined to say whether he would agree to seat Mr. Moore should he win. Mr. McConnell deferred a question about a possible write-in campaign by Senator Luther Strange, the current occupant of the seat, to Mr. Strange.



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