Millennial ADD to Shorten NBA Games?

The NBA could be changing the way the game is played due to the short attention span of millennials.

These young snowflakes have already begun infiltrating the American spirit with invented concerns over “triggering” and “micro aggressions” – two ridiculously asinine concepts centered around their perceived right to not be offended.  Now, given their increasingly short attention spans, some traditional sports could be looking for shorter games to match millennials’ mental capabilities.

“You know those late-game situations, where timeout after timeout make the final 30 seconds last 10 minutes? During a press conference in London before the Denver Nuggets’ 140-112 rout of the Indiana Pacers on Thursday, Silver noted that the league tracks the end of games — specifically the number of timeouts that are allowed — ‘very closely’ and said the NBA’s competition committee will likely take a ‘fresh look’ at game length at the end of the season.

“‘It’s something that I know all of sports are looking at…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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