Mike Huckabee to Launch New TV Show – 1st Guest is Donald Trump

If you liked the old Huckabee show, you’ll be glad to hear he is heading back to TV. TBN will be the home for his new show titled, Huckabee.

Just to liven things up right out of the gate, his first guest is a bit of a lightning rod…POTUS Donald Trump.

Not a bad way to launch your new show. Love Trump or hate him, people will be finding your show and tuning in.

Huckabee has been a faithful supporter of the President when many have attacked him, especially Huckabee’s natural base…people of faith. Many Christians have found it difficult to publicly support the President with his often edgy antics and brash way of speaking.

Huckabee tackles that notion head on in an interview with The Atlantic:

“Nobody pretends that he would be an ideal Sunday-school teacher, to be fair. I don’t think he is a person who is



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