Middle Schoolers Face Harsh Punishment For Attacking Motorcade

The anti-Trump sentiments of the militant, segregationist left have permeated nearly all facets of society in recent weeks, and the latest news from Florida proves that disturbing point.

Donald Trump’s motorcade was attacked in Florida this week, and the culprits are 5 middle schoolers.

While traveling to his Mar A Lago estate, President Trump’s motorcade was subject to a string of protesters who had gathered on the side of the route.  Among them were several middle school-aged children, one of whom, feeling emboldened by the anti-American aura being exuded by the masses, decided to take matters into his own hands.

CBS12 reported that while driving down Southern Boulevard, one of the vehicles was struck by a ‘small, hard’ object.

“After completing the motorcade, several members returned to the scene to search for suspects and the item, as disclosed by the Daily Mail.

“Police later identified the object as a 2“ by 4”…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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