Michigan Mother Traumatizes 14 Year Old With Lots of Sex

A Michigan mother has been arrested for having sex with a fourteen year old boy.  She started the relationship by sending the boy nude pictures of herself and soon they were having an affair in which they had sex up to 15 times.  The boy’s mother found out and went to the police, who launched an investigation into the woman.

Brooke L. Lajiness, 38, was arraigned earlier this month on 13 counts including criminal sexual conduct, accosting a minor for immoral purposes and furnishing obscenity to a child. 

She has been free on bail since then, after posting $50,000 cash bond.

Her husband was with her on Thursday, when she was back in court for another hearing. 

After yesterday’s session, Assistant Washtenaw County Prosecutor John Vella said they are looking into…



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