Michelle Obama Says Repubs Are All White, All Men – Rubio Responds With Awesome Tweet

The wonderfully spoken former first lady, Michelle Obama, recently made her real feelings known. Her true racist feelings that is. They were on full display as she passed her hypocritical judgement upon the Republican side of the aisle.

Marco Rubio, a Republican and a Hispanic, didn’t take her comments lying down.

Mrs. Obama on Republicans seated in Congress:

“On one side of the room its a feeling of color, on one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally that’s the color palette on one side of the room, on the other side of the room there are yellows, blues, and whites, and greens, physically there’s a difference in color tone, because one side is all men, all white, on the other some women, some people of color…”

The wonderful picture Marc Rubio attached to his mic drop tweet shows himself with fellow Republicans…Nikki Haley, a woman



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