Mexican Cartel Beheads Two Rivals To Breed Fear on Tex/Mex Border [GRAPHIC PHOTOS]

The Mexican cartel  Los Zetas beheaded two rivals and then released videos of the two killings in order to throw a scare into anyone who tries to interfere with them taking over the lucrative border trade.  The videos are so graphic they are not available to be seen at this time.  Perhaps they will edit the video to hide the offending scenes and release it, but we do have some stills taken from the video.

A video that was leaked to Breitbart Texas by our sources in Mexico this week shows the moment when two gunmen wearing masks stand behind a shirtless man and begin to interrogate him. The gunmen claim to be members of the Los Zetas and fire off a series of threats against other Los Zetas factions; including Cartel…



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