Melania Sends Michelle Into FIT OF RAGE Over Announcement About First Family’s Vacations!

The differences between Melania Trump’s approach to the job of First Lady vs. Michelle Obama’s take on the job couldn’t be more different. The amount of class that Melania has brought back is refreshing. You might not know that from the MSM though. They have taken every chance they can to belittle and demean the First Lady.

First, a few facts. We all know Melania was a very successful model and is absolutely stunning. But there is quite a brain inside that beautiful head. Melania speaks 5 languages, fluently. This is one smart lady. She is also a successful entrepreneur and has been involved in many philanthropic pursuits including Love Our Children USA, The American Red Cross and several others.  Of course, the job she is most dedicated to is being the mother to her son, Barron Trump.

It was recently reported by Fox News that Melania has only



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