Media Matters using Roy Moore allegations to smear Sean Hannity with false claims of defending child sex abuse

Sean Hannity — Screengrab: Fox News

Media Matters is now using the salacious allegations against Judge Roy Moore to smear Fox News host Sean Hannity to his advertisers with false claims that he defends child sex abuse, the Daily Caller reported Sunday.

According to Peter Hasson:

Moore is accused of making sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while he was a 32-year-old attorney, in addition to pursuing romantic (although not sexual) relationships with other teenage girls around the same time.

Media Matters operatives are smearing Hannity to his sponsors, accusing him of defending child sex abuse. (Hannity has explicitly said that anyone guilty of what Moore is accused of doing has no place in politics.)

Media Matters helped pressure several advertisers into pulling their ads from “Hannity” over the weekend. In one instance, Angelo Carusone, Media Matters’ president, tagged a sponsor of Hannity’s show while claiming that Hannity defends “sexually



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