McCain Intimately Involved in Fake Russian Prostitute Story


John McCain, former republican presidential candidate and avowed enemy of Donald Trump, has outed himself as being involved in the latest Russian scandal.

John McCain, foe of President-Elect Trump, may have been the impetus of the entire Russian prostitute story.

As CNN and Buzzfeed began pushing the phony story, in which a confidential dossier claims that Donald Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians and a group of prostitutes, John McCain’s involvement was set to become clear.  McCain, fearing political backlash that could end his career, decided to come clean.

“The Arizona senator issued a public statement amid mounting questions of his exact role in the affair – and how a document riddled with errors and unverifiable claims came to be published.

“‘Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public,’ he said.

“‘Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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