Make America Great Again? Start By Dumping Common Core Standards

If Trump wants to make America great again, he should start with dumping Common Core Standards in our schools.

Make America Great Again? Start By Dumping Common Core Standards

President Trump has promised to make America great again. His liberal critics like to respond with “when was America ever great?”

That blows my mind. How can a U.S. citizen, an American, even think that? This country was founded on greatness. By great men who rose up to overthrow tyranny and oppressive rule. And since then, America’s greatness was never in doubt – until recently.

The U.S. was responsible for putting a man on the moon for the first time in history in 1969. I’d call that pretty great.

How about the internet? That’s an American concept which changed the world in amazing new ways. I would say that’s the definition of great.

And on the technology front, it was Motorola, an…



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