Make America Great Again

I know a very intelligent man who says, “All politicians lie, the good ones do it convincingly.”

The Donald won his miraculous victory based on promises that built an agenda to make America great again. These promises basically said that he would address three areas, the economy, the wall, and taxes.  How’s he doing so far?

The S&P 500 has added more than two trillion in market value since Trump’s election.  This is an astounding run for a bull market.  Records have been broken, and broken, and then broken again.

I call this the Trump Bump.

Economy growing: check.

What about the wall?

Homeland Security has issued a waiver to certain laws, regulations and other legal requirements to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers in the vicinity of the international border near Calexico, California. The waiver was published in the Federal Register today so construction of the border wall



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