Major League Baseball Shames the NFL During the World Series!

As the NFL continues to sink lower and lower with the fans, MLB just hit the home run of patriotism during the World Series taking their new place as America’s Number One Sport!

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet!

During the World Series, MLB put the NFL to shame and showed them the proper way to respect the flag and celebrate the national anthem.

First, not one player took a knee. Take note NFL.

Second, was a beautiful national anthem performed by gospel singer Keith Williams Jr. complete with a flyover saluting our flag and everyone who respects it as grand finale.

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But baseball wasn’t done showing the NFL how to properly respect the flag.

In the seventh inning stretch, when they usually play ‘Take me out to the ball game’ or some other song, they pulled a surprise move.

A group of U.S. soldiers took the



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