Longwood, Florida Defies Atheist Group

By now we should be use to the Atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation. Their false understanding of the Establishment Clause. Their bully tactics. It should surprise us that they have not changed their name though.

If this group were honest, they would simply announce the group they really want freedom from; Christians. They could call themselves FFCF and would be appropriate. This is the targets of their lawsuits and bullying. You never hear of these people attacking Muslims, or Hindus.

And finally, people are standing up to them.

Christian News reports

Elected officials of a Florida city say they have no intention of removing a cross memorial from their city hall after a prominent professing atheist organization took issue with the memorial, describing it as exclusionary and unconstitutional.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter on March 10 to the mayor of Longwood, Florida, objecting…



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