20 links today. Enjoy.
The Age of Impunity (Excellent rant by Jeffrey Sachs, Boston Globe)
SOUTH CHINA SEA WATCH: US Angers China as UN Ruling Looms (More escalation with China, AP)
U.S. to Switch on European Missile Shield Despite Russian Alarm (More escalation with Russia, Reuters)
The Pentagon is Building a ‘Self-Aware’ Killer Robot Army Fueled by Social Media (Nafeez Ahmed)
‘Everyone’s Outraged’: Angry Greeks Foresee Grexit and Drachma’s Revival (The Guardian)
Fight Over Plan to Bottle Water in Oregon Town is on Ballot (Interesting story, AP)
The Recession’s Economic Trauma Has Left Enduring Scars (At least the bankers were made whole, Wall Street Journal)
Social Media Posts Now Fair Game in Security Clearance Process (Wall Street Journal)