Liberty Links 4/15/16

14 links today. Enjoy.

The Fed Sends a Frightening Letter to JPMorgan and Corporate Media Yawns (Must read, Wall on Street Parade)

Germany’s Merkel Criticized for Allowing Prosecution of Comedian Who Mocked Erdogan (EU values on full display, Reuters)

New Balance Accuses Pentagon of Reneging on Sneaker Deal (Despicable, Boston Globe)

The First Ever Scientific Study to Capture Images of Your Brain on LSD Had to Be Crowdfunded (Fascinating, Quartz)

Wall Street’s Fraud of the Week Club (Campaign for America’s Future)

‘I Have a Conscience’: the Wall Streeters Fighting for Bernie Sanders in New York (The Guardian)

9 Most Interesting Moments of the Democratic Debate (Politico)

President Killary (Paul Craig Roberts)

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