Liberty Links 11/6/16

Op-eds/Must Reads

Five Reasons You Should Blame The Economics Discipline For Today’s Problems (Excellent read, Forbes)

Clinton’s Charity Confirms Qatar’s $1 Million Gift While She Was at State Dept (Very, very disturbing, Reuters)

Don’t Be So Sure Russia Hacked the Clinton Emails (Dangerous game being played, Reuters)

How PE Firms Are Flipping Drugs in Price-Gouging Scheme that Cannibalizes the Entire US Economy (Wolf Street)

How Donald Trump Used Fine Print To Make It Harder To Sue Wall Street For Fraud (David Sirota writing at IBD)

Forget the FBI Cache; the Podesta Emails Show How America is Run (Thomas Frank writing at The Guardian)

A Union of Politics and News Ends With Both Contaminated (The New York Times)

Trump Eyes Goldman Alum Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary (Wall Street always finds a way, Politico)

Slovenian Marxists for Trump (Good, quick video, The Intercept)

Election 2016

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