Liberty Links 10/2/16

Opinion/Must Reads

Gary Johnson: Take a Deep Breath, Voters. There Is a Third Way. (Op-ed by Gary Johnson, New York Times)

Geopolitics/Foreign Affairs

U.S. to Send More Troops to Iraq Ahead of Mosul Battle (We’re never getting out of Iraq, Reuters)

Pakistan ‘Completely Rejects’ Indian Claim of Cross-Border Strikes (Reuters)

Erdogan Signals Preference for Longer Turkey Emergency Rule (Of course he does, Bloomberg)

EU Launches Program to Issue Cash Cards to Migrants in Turkey (Reuters)

The Woman Who Could Break Spain’s Political Deadlock (Reuters)

Congress Votes to Override Obama Veto on 9/11 Victims Bill (New York Times)

Election 2016 

Chelsea Clinton: Didn’t Know Mom Had Pneumonia (Interesting to say the least, The Hill)

Bill Maher: Colin Kaepernick ‘An Idiot’ (Because he criticized Hillary, The Hill)

Clinton Set the Trap and Trump Walked In (Trump is falling for the bait left and right, Sad!, Politico)

NYPD Spokesman Pushes Back on Trump’s Stop-and-Frisk Claim



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