Liberals Are Fully Aware Of Fake News

So far, I can only find liberals “confused” about what fake news is.    It’s obvious they are not confused, they are prevaricating, because they bring no evidence forward when you ask them to prove it.   The exhibit no interest in discussing details, one of The 11 Tactics of Highly Deceptive People.

Spotting The Fake News Con Men

They are trying to blur and avoid that which they know is obvious, which is exhibited by asking them “Columbo questions” – interrogator styled questions – to see what information they avoid discussing.

The Experiment

I tried showing tens of them Podesta’s own email list of network toadies.   There was a flurry of tactics brought forth which insured there was not a chance that would be discussed, which indicates they know the list of fake news networks.  They exhibited they DID NOT WANT TO KNOW which networks were colluding with the liars around Hillary.

The Fake…



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