Liberal Gun Violence Strikes At Trump Rally

The First Of Many Assassination Attempts On Trump (Image: MGN)

A 19-year old Michael Steven Sandford attempted to assassinate Donald Trump over the weekend. While at a rally in Las Vegas he tried to disarm a police officer and use his weapon to shoot and kill the GOP nominee. He was quickly arrested by authorities. He said he had planned this for over a year and had a ticket to Trumps next rally in case he failed this attempt.

Las Vegas is the perfect place to hold a rally, at least, that’s what Donald Trump thought. The lights, the nightlife, and the locals would make an enticing backdrop to an already eventful rally. Yet over the weekend in Vegas a patron at a Donald Trump rally felt differently. 

Michael Steven Sandford, who was arrested at the rally, claimed to have been trying to disarm a police officer to kill Donald Trump.



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