Fox News is in early talks with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham about joining the network, according to reports.
There have been no final decisions made yet regarding when Ingraham would join the Fox News team, Variety reported, citing an unnamed source familiar with the negotiations.
Ingraham is no stranger to Fox and has been a contributing host to the network in the past.
News of the discussions between Ingraham and Fox were revealed by The Drudge Report — a report created by Matt Drudge, a conservative political commentator and news aggregator — on Monday.
FALL PREVIEW: Laura Ingraham’s prime time to shine! After years in the trenches, much deserved.
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) August 14, 2017
Fox News’ program lineup continues to be in question in the aftermath of Bill O’Reilly’s controversial exit and the departure of Megyn Kelly.
The network’s current primetime lineup features Tucker Carlson