Latest Poll: Democrats At Lowest Approval Rating In Decades! Millennials Disgusted!

As liberals continue to be in confusion as to why Hillary lost the election, the Democrats have dropped to the lowest approval rating in more than twenty-five years of polling.

Fifty-four percent of Americans are not pleased with the Democratic party. Only 37 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the Democratic Party.

This according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. This mark matches the lowest numbers from polls by CNN/ORC and CNN/USA Today/Gallup that date back to 1992, according to a CNN report.

The poll includes numbers from nonwhites, who gave the Democratic Party a 48 percent favorable rating.

The big news is that people under the age of 35  only gave the party a 33 percent approval rating.

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Hillary Clinton seem to have destroyed the Democrats with their nonsense!

The awful numbers come in as former interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna



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