Karma is About to Sack Colin Kaepernick…Hard!

Colin Kaepernick looks to be in a losing situation with the 49er’s in the offseason.

It was all Kaepernick to do to stay in the headlines, even after garnering some starts at the beginning of the season,  as his numbers slipped far below those deemed acceptable for elite QB’s in the NFL.  Now, Kaepernick is facing some off-season justice, according to anonymous sources.

“After beginning the season as a starter, then sapping up payroll while not being able to perform at his best due to multiple injuries, Kaepernick decided to use all of his down time on the bench for disrespectful sideline antics. The franchise and his team seem to be sick of what he’s done to their image and the fact that he’s not really an asset to offset it. Instead of simply doing his highly paid job of playing a game, he went for the support of anti-police protesters thinking…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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