Judge Gorsuch to be Justice Gorsuch by Friday Afternoon?

Chris Wallace: You have promised that the Senate will confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court by Friday.

Two questions. One, do you stand by that schedule, a Friday vote? And two, do you have the eight votes of Democrats so that you can beat a filibuster?

Mitch McConnell: Well, look, Judge Gorsuch deserves to be confirmed. You know, unanimously well qualified by the American Bar Association. My counterpart, Senator Schumer, once called that the gold standard.

In the majority, 99 percent of the time. Ninety-seven percent of his rulings were unanimous. Only reversed one time in a case in which he participated by the Supreme Court. President Obama’s former acting solicitor general said there’s no principle reason to oppose him. That’s why he will ultimately be confirmed.

Exactly how that happens, Chris, will be up to our Democratic colleagues. I think it is noteworthy that no Supreme…



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