Joe Biden Turns On Hillary – Exposes Disturbing Secret She’s Been Hiding

Since Clinton lost the election, it looks like many Democrats are cashing in, or so they think. Like HIllary Clinton, a few other Democrats including former DNC Chair Donna Brazile and former VP Joe Biden have recently published their own memories and version of ‘What Happened?’ It might not come as a surprise to many that Democrats seem to be throwing Clinton under the bus, as they say.

The forgettable former Vice President is joining fellow Democrats in releasing tell-all books, and he’s looking to clear his own record after being gossiped about by Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazile. 

In his upcoming memoir, Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose Biden will talk about many personal issues but also has some new background to color in the Hillary legacy.

Before Hillary became the nominee, Biden alleges that Barack Obama was “almost certain” Hillary would take the Democratic primary while



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