Israel Limits Muslim Access to Jerusalem Site Amid Tensions

JERUSALEM — Israel police severely restricted Muslim access to a contested shrine in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday to prevent protests over the installation of metal detectors at the holy site.

Police set up a series of checkpoints, turning away worshippers heading to Jerusalem from Israel and the West Bank. About 3,000 officers were deployed around the Old City, barring entry to Muslim men under the age of 50, except for area residents.

The dispute over the metal detectors has led to rising tensions between Israel and the Muslim world, with even friendly Arab nations, such as Jordan, appealing to Israel to remove the devices.

With the heavy security measures Friday, Israel was effectively doubling down on its earlier decision. The detectors were installed earlier this week, after a deadly Palestinian attack at the shrine left two Israeli policemen dead.

Muslim religious leaders in the Palestinian territories have alleged the…



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