ISIS Is Draining The Blood Of Civilians To Survive (Image: MGN)
ISIS is draining the blood from civilians and using it to heal their wounded. An army of over 20,000 is facing ISIS in attempts to take back the city of Fallujah. ISIS is desperate to keep control of the city and is using traps, snipers, car bombs, and civilians as leverage to do it. It is feared that 90,000 civilians are still trapped inside the city.
Apparently our liberation forces that are attacking ISIS, who has a stronghold over the city Fallujah, are too much for them to handle. Witnesses have recently told officials that The Islamic State is so desperate to keep a hold over the city that they are literally stealing blood from civilians to heal their wounded.
I don’t think they were expecting an army of over 20,000 troops which is made up of Iraqi soldiers, Iranian…