Iraqi Grandmother Takes Out ISIS One Head At A Time

Iraqi Grandmother Takes On ISIS One Head At A Time (Image: MGN)

A 39-year-old grandmother is the most feared soldier in Iraq. Wahida Mohamed Al-Jumaily is a 70 soldier militia leader known for beheading and cooking the heads of ISIS soldiers. She has received countless personal death threats. She claims that she has been fighting jihadists since 2004.

Wahida Mohamed Al-Jumaily is a 39-year-old grandmother from Iraq who just so happens to be the one woman that ISIS fighters fear the most. Apparently, Wahida has become such a threat that ISIS leaders have sent her personal death threats. What in the world could this seemingly lovely grandmother be doing to warrant such response? She has been beheading and cooking the heads of ISIS fighters to avenge her family.

Earlier this year Wahida’s second husband was killed by ISIS insurgents. Her father and three brothers have also been killed by the…



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