Iran Continues Military Drills During Tense Times

Iran’s navy has been running drills near the critically important Strait of Hormuz.

The latest round of nonsense from Tehran comes amid renewed tensions between Iran and the United States in the wake of the election of Donald Trump.  Now, Iran is pushing new naval drills onto the global stage in a bold act of defiance.

“Iran launched naval drills at the mouth of the Gulf and the Indian Ocean on Sunday, a naval commander said, as tensions with the United States escalated after U.S President Donald Trump put Tehran ‘on notice’.

“Since taking office last month, Trump has pledged to get tough with Iran, warning the Islamic Republic after its ballistic missile test on Jan. 29 that it was playing with fire and all U.S. options were on the table.

“Iran’s annual exercises will be held in the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Oman, the Bab el-Mandab and…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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