How Israel Upgrades “Dumb” Bombs Into Smart Bombs | WSJ Equipped

SPICE guidance kits, being sent to Israel by the U.S., attach to 1,000 or 2,000 pound “dumb” bombs, turning them into precision guided munitions. The goal of guidance kits like SPICE and JDAMs is to enhance accuracy while minimizing non-combatant casualties. As Israel continues to target Hamas, concerns of civilian casualties in Gaza remain a critical issue.

WSJ explains how SPICE kits work and the benefit of the IDF using this weapon attachment in Gaza.

0:00 U.S. sending Israel SPICE kits
0:53 How SPICE kits works
2:44 Benefits of SPICE kits
3:34 Limiting collateral damage

Equipped examines military innovation and tactics emerging around the world, breaking down the tech behind the weaponry and its potential impact.

#Israel #Military #WSJ



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