How a Breakdown in Liberal Ideology Created Trump – Part 2

If you didn’t read yesterday’s post, today’s will read like a bunch of indecipherable nonsense (perhaps it will anyway!).

What follows is a continued analysis of the recent thoughts Ken Wilber outlined in his e-book, Trump and a Post-Truth World: An Evolutionary Self-Correction, which attempts to understand contemporary American politics through the lens of human consciousness development.

To summarize what we learned in recent posts, a new leading-edge consciousness started to emerge on the planet around the 1960’s, and it has been color coded “green” within the framework of Spiral Dynamics. The are many positive attributes of green consciousness, but almost as soon as it got started, it began a decades long decay into nihilism and narcissism. This divergence between “healthy green” and “unhealthy green” essentially led to a momentary halt in the evolution of human consciousness, a diseased condition that existed far before Trump was elected. Trump was merely a very visible manifestation…



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