Hollywood Left Is Getting Even MORE Intolerant

While the Hollywood Left has long dominated the entertainment industry, after Donald Trump’s win they are getting more hostile.

What if you’re an actor, writer, of director who does not agree with the Hollywood Left? If you want to work you had better pretend to be a progressive.

According to the L.A. Times,

For the vast majority of conservatives who work in entertainment, going to set or the office each day has become a game of avoidance and secrecy. The political closet is now a necessity for many in an industry that is among the most liberal in the country.

Since the presidential election, some conservatives feel that their political beliefs are more of a career liability than ever — even for those traditional Republicans disenchanted by President Trump.

“I feel absolutely it has harmed me professionally,” said Andrew Klavan, the L.A.-based screenwriter and novelist, and a “reluctant” Trump…



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