Hillary’s Health Isn’t a Legitimate Issue – Except When She Says It Is

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is pushing back hard against media reports about her health, and warning media outlets against talking about whether she has serious health problems.

In spite of coughing fits that last over four minutes and disrupt campaign speeches, rallies, and press appearances, Clinton doesn’t want anyone talking about her health.

On Monday, campaign traveling spokesman Nick Merrill took to Twitter to scold NBC reporter Andrew Rafferty for writing a brief report about Clinton’s coughing fit aboard her campaign plane, telling Rafferty to “Get a life.”

Rafferty’s five-paragraph story , entitled “Hillary Clinton fights back coughing attack” reported that Clinton suffered from repeated coughing attacks during her campaign, and noted that the

“frog in Clinton’s throat on Monday was one of the most aggressive she’s had during her 2016 run and left her almost unable to finish her remarks.”

Clinton’s campaign dismisses stories that raise questions about…



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