Hillary’s Actions More Disgusting Than Trumps Words

This moment is historic because Donald Trump is not another establishment Republican. We have lived through nearly eight years of weak leadership A vote for Trump and Pence is a vote for more freedom and less government

In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, American voters were forced to choose between a liberal Democrat and weak establishment Republicans. Democrats won both times. In the 2010 and 2014 midterms, tired of the leftist agenda, voters sent an unmistakable message to Washington: Republicans took control of the Senate and filled more seats in the House than at any time since 1929. Still, nothing changed.

In 2016, we have a clear choice.

This moment is historic because Donald Trump is not another establishment Republican.

We have lived through nearly eight years of weak leadership from a president who did not sign the charter to create the Islamic State but whose policies had…



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