Heterosexuality Under Attack in The WNBA Says Straight Player


While many in the United States who consider themselves progressive insist that they are the bastions of tolerance, nothing could be further from the truth.

Candice Wiggins, pictured here, claims that she was the victim of straight-shaming discrimination in a homosexually dominated WNBA.

Take, for instance, reports from within the WNBA that heterosexual players are being harassed, abused, and driven from the league by a bullying sect of homosexual players.  Candice Wiggins has finally had enough, and is speaking out against the discrimination.

“Wiggins, who last played in the league in 2015, said she retired prematurely to leave a league that she estimated — wildly — is 98 percent lesbian, and which is played in such isolation that it weighs on the people on the court.

“’It wasn’t like my dreams came true in the WNBA. It was quite the opposite,’ Wiggins said in an extensive San Diego Tribune story published Monday.…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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