With a gun to her head…what is a small woman to do?
A woman named Carol Miracle got a little miracle of her own when she distracted her attacker and drew her own weapon. She then fired upon the larger man and killed him.
Guns are truly the great equalizer. Gun control people just don’t seem to get this, as they prefer us all to be victims.
From Rare:
It was no miracle that a woman with a gun to her head was able to prevent herself from being robbed – or worse. That’s because Carolann Miracle, 23, who said she is 4’11 and 85 pounds, was armed and ready to eliminate the threat.
Speaking to ABC15, the woman from Glendale, Ariz., said that she was leaving a gas station when a man named Frank Taylor, 27, approached her and asked for a cigarette.
She says Taylor then put a…