Kai and parents (HSLDA image)
Government officials in Norway have demanded that a homeschooling mother and father give up their passports if they want to be reunited with their 12-year-old son.
WND reported last week Norwegian police and social services workers chased down, tackled and captured the 12-year-old for the offense of being homeschooled.
See it for yourself, in this video from the Home School Legal Defense Association:
During the chase, the student’s mother is screaming: “Some people, please help. I need people to help!”
HSLDA then launched an online petition campaign to complain to the Norwegian embassy in the U.S. about the “atrocious treatment,” which to Americans is absolutely “intolerable.”
Now, according to CTV News, Kai Kristiansen has been allowed to return to his home with parents Terese and Leif Kristiansen, if they meet certain conditions.
The demands from Barnevernet, Norway’s child protection agency, were that Kai return immediately to public schools