GOP Senate candidate calls CAIR ‘terrorist’ group

A Republican U.S. Senate candidate has stirred controversy for calling the country’s largest Muslim rights group a “terrorist” organization, but he is in company with a prominent Muslim Arab Gulf state.

And his claim is backed by FBI evidence presented at a terrorism funding trial in which the group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was named by the Justice Department an unindicted co-conspirator.

Further, an undercover investigation that obtained original documents and recorded conversations of CAIR leaders provided solid evidence the Washington, D.C.-based group is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch, Hamas.

The congressional candidate, Josh Mandel, who is Ohio treasurer, sent a Twitter message Wednesday declaring CAIR “is Hamas” and posted an article about the Palestinian faction that controls the Gaza Strip, reported the website, which describes itself as an informational project of New York-based WorldAlert LLC.

The caption read: “If Council on American…



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