GOP Rep Threatens Govt Shutdown If No Amnesty

There is one Florida representative who is willing to join the Democrats and shut down the government at the end of the year. Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) demands DACA protection or bust. Mr. Curbelo is not particular how the job gets done as long as millions of illegal aliens are protected from losing their DACA status. I am sure that his Florida constituency is happy with this stance. The demographics alone account for that position. Are there any other GOPers out there that owe their allegiance to supporters of DACA? 

As Written By John Binder for Breitbart: 

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) announced today that he will vote to shut down the federal government at the end of the year if the GOP spending bill does not include legislation to give amnesty to potentially 3.5 million illegal aliens in the United States.

In a speech to the pro-immigration IMPAC Fund, Curbelo threatened to help Democrats shut down



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