Google Overreacts to Trump, Recalls Overseas Staff


As Donald Trump works diligently to secure our nation after nearly a decade of Obama’s failed policies, Google is taking their reaction to an absurd level.

Google has reacted to Trump’s proposed security plans with a gross overreaction.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump promised America that he would make border security a high priority once elected.  Now that he has taken the reins of this great nation, his moves to restore law and order have irked the liberal crybabies at Google.

“Alphabet Inc.’s Google delivered a sharp message to staff traveling overseas who may be impacted by a new executive order on immigration from President Donald Trump: Get back to the U.S. now.

“Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai slammed Trump’s move in a note to employees Friday, telling them that more than 100 company staff are affected by the order.

“‘It’s painful to see the personal cost of…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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