Google Adsense Censorship Killed 200 Websites

Google’s latest move against “fake’ news could be its most severe yet.

The totalitarian move, which has been deemed by many to be a major slap in the face to free speech, occurred late in 2016.  Google’s decision to disallow these publishers access to its Adsense advertising platform will put many of these authors and websites at risk of folding – an easy way for Google’s liberal bosses to silence the conservative right.

“Google kicked 200 publishers off one of its ad networks in the fourth quarter, partly in response to the proliferation of fake news sites.

“The company banned the publishers from its AdSense network, an ad placement service that automatically serves text and display ads on participating sites based on its audience. The ban was part of an update to an existing policy that prohibits sites that mislead users with their content.

“Google regularly weeds out advertisers for false…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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