Global soccer body FIFA accused of racism

The chief legal officer for an organization that monitors Middle East media contends FIFA should cease an “investigation” into claims that Israel’s soccer league is violating the rules of the sport’s international governing body, says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

“If FIFA wishes to truly promote ‘human rights’ it should start by ending its own racist, discriminatory approach and instead kick terrorism out of football,” wrote Maurice Hirch at the website of Palestinian Media Watch.

Hirsch noted that among the agenda items at FIFA’s upcoming annual meeting is a complaint that Israel’s soccer teams play in cities that the Palestinians claim as their own.

Meanwhile, FIFA was ignoring “documented evidence that the [Palestinian league], its member clubs and its president, convicted terrorist Jibril Rajoub, incite violence and terrorism against Jews, glorify murderers of Jews, are openly racist against Jews and also ban the use of football to create a bridge for peace



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