Ginsburg: Justices Felt Trump Travel Ban ‘Too Restrictive’

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says the Trump administration was “too restrictive” in deciding what family relationships qualify as close enough to avoid the ban on travel from six mostly Muslim counties.

Ginsburg said at a Duke Law School event Friday in Washington that the court decided in an order this week that close relationships include grandparents and other relatives the administration initially left off its list of family members who would not be covered by President Donald Trump’s 90-day travel ban.

Her comments provided a bit of insight on the court’s opaque practice of dealing with emergency appeals. The administration appealed a federal judge’s order from last week that vastly expanded the family members who could help a visitor from the six countries gain entry into the U.S.

The countries are Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The justices will hear argument in October on the legality



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